Buller first class points : 43g, 24t, 121c, 52p, 4dg, 530pts
(77pts had been scored in Non-first class matches to total 607pts)
Also Played: Mid Canterbury 2011 (4g,1t, 8c, 2p, 1dg, 30pts)
Tasman 2015 (2g)
NZ Heartland XV 2014-16-18-19 (9g, 3t, 33c, 6p, 99pts)
NZR Award Heartland Player of the Year 2014
Currently holds Several Buller Scoring Records
Most points 607 , 2014-2019
Most points in a season , 161 (Heartland 147) 2017
Most conversions in a season ,36 – 2016
Most points in a match , 27 vs West Coast, 2019
Most conversions in a match , 7 vs Wairarapa Bush, 2014 and vs East Coast, 2017